Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The Issue Everyone's Talking About

The issue : Arabic and the big divide taking place now between a young generation which has access to exciting English books on the one hand, and a vast Arabic tradition which is becoming less attractive in the face of a globalized world. 

My bit : Oh, my kids are only reading English novels. Let me find something in Arabic so they acquire a love of Arabic and its literature... 

Months later: Oh no! Nothing to compete with Rowlings and Meyer. Whatever shall I do? Wherever shall I go? 

The Arabic book market : Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

So, I went ahead and wrote a 91,000 word science fiction novel in Arabic for young adults. Hence, the following two part interview:

Writing & the revitalisation of Arabic through Sci-fi: why the future of Arabic is bright? Part 1

Writing & the revitalisation of Arabic through sci-fi: why the future of Arabic is bright? Part 2

And if you are interested in how Fatma @Arabizi got to this point, please follow this link:

“The revival of Arabic lays in the creativity of writers”: Gibran Khalil Gibran

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